Concerned Christian Men is a non-profit organization located in Chicago that focuses on providing the urban youth with strong leadership and guidance, acting as role models as they work to make improvements to their lives.  Our students are exposed to number of activities, events, and our Christian youth mentoring program as they work to better themselves and create opportunities for their future.

Our Mission, Goals, and Values

We are an organization of Christian Men that strive to serve as Fathers to the Fatherless, building servant leaders who are responsible to their communities and families through Modeling, Mentoring, Mastering, Motivating, and creating Momentum for achievement throughout Chicago.

School Partnerships

At CCM, we work with schools in the area to provide at risk students in the Chicago area with the strong leaders, support figures, and role models they need to help shape them into contributing members of their community.  Our after school youth care program provides care, structure, and leadership to those who need it.

Our Vision of Change

Concerned Christian Men have designed our programs around our intentional change theory. We work hard to ensure that our programs and Christian mentoring have the ability to transform students into positive, contributing members of their communities by utilizing what we call the 4G’s. The 4G’s are used to design, implement, and evaluate every Concerned Christian Men program.


We have a number of outstanding and inspiring volunteers, willing to dedicate their time to contribute to their communities.  These volunteers provide work with our Christian youth mentoring program to help our students discover their passions, develop their personal skills and good habits, and work towards building a more positive future.